Title: Introducing the importance of the new “green” energy model in school education.
Web: www.ciroproject.com
Description/Objective: European training project that aims to boost the acquisition of key theoretical and practical skills and competences in environmental sciences, specifically climate change, sustainability, renewable energies, energy storage systems (with emphasis on hydrogen technologies) and the final applications of these technologies.
Project duration: 01/09/2018 -28/02/2021 (2 years and 5 months).
Budget: 237,582€.
Partners: The Ciro project consortium consists of schools, companies and technology centers from four different countries. Three schools, two of which are Spanish, IES Diego de Guzmán (Huelva) and Colegio Jesús Nazareno (Madrid), and one German school, Städtisches Heriburg-Gymnasium. Also participating is a British company specialized in digital educational games Cyber Coach Smart, and two expert entities in renewable energies and energy storage, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) in Greece and ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. in Spain, the latter being the coordinating partner of the project.
Funding Agency: ERASMUS + Programme 2017. European Commission