Spanish technology for electrolysis equipment

ARIEMA provides hydrogen technology solutions for specific projects and well-defined needs. We provide solutions for the production of hydrogen through electrolysis based on technology both of our own development and of third parties with which it maintains consolidated commercial relationships.

ARIEMA can also integrate, together with hydrogen production, other technologies (storage, compression, dispensing and fuel cell) in the context of specific projects.

Our Equipment


Electrolysis is a process by which hydrogen and oxygen are generated from water. The dissociation of the water molecule (H2O) into its two elemental components (hydrogen and oxygen) is carried out by applying an electrical current that triggers the corresponding electrochemical reaction.

At ARIEMA we analyze the needs of our clients to offer the best possible alternative both economically and technically, whether it is an alkaline technology electrolyzer or a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology.

We offer different variants depending on the real needs of our clients: from large industrial electrolysis plants to medium or small equipment adapted to the needs of each case.


Electrolysis is a process by which hydrogen and oxygen are generated from water. The dissociation of the water molecule (H2O) into its two elemental components (hydrogen and oxygen) is carried out by applying an electrical current that triggers the corresponding electrochemical reaction.

At ARIEMA we analyze the needs of our clients to offer the best possible alternative both economically and technically, whether it is an alkaline technology electrolyzer or a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology.

We offer different variants depending on the real needs of our clients: from large industrial electrolysis plants to medium or small equipment adapted to the needs of each case.

Other equipment and H2 systems

ARIEMA can also integrate, together with hydrogen production, other technologies (storage, compression, dispensing and fuel cell) in the context of specific projects.

Pilas de combustible

A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that directly transforms the chemical energy of a fuel into electricity efficiently and silently, without generating polluting emissions; just water. It also produces heat and water.

At Ariema, we supply and install fuel cells of a wide range of powers, always taking into account the needs of the project in question.

Do you need more information?

Contacto Ariema