Title: Energy Sustainability in the SUDOE Region: PEMFC-SUDOE Network
Web: www.pemfc-sudoe.eu
Description/Objective: The “PEMFC-SUDOE” project responds to the challenge of ensuring sustainable energy supply in the SUDOE region through the development of PEMFC technology with the integration of renewable H2 sources. 4 innovative PEMFC prototypes for use in transport (Cars and bicycles), stationary sources (Stack of >250W for energy supply of buildings or public lighting) and portable devices (Compact system with a capacity of >400Wh and a minimum of 50W for use in computers, cell phones etc.) will constitute the final products that will integrate the results of the scientific-technical activities of the project.
Duration of the project: 01/07-2016 – 30/06/2019
Budget: 1,812,666.67 € Funding received: 75%.
Partners: Ariema, LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Universidad de Cantabria (coordinator), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universidade do Porto, Apria Systems S.A., Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives – IFTS, NanoInnova Technologies S.L.,
Funding Agency: Interreg SUDOE