The project

Title: Autonomous Mobile Unit for Renewable Energy Generation.


Description/Objective: Integrated innovation project through which the production, use, and storage of hydrogen energy has been tested for the first time in the Spanish aquaculture sector. ARIEMA designed and installed a 5 kW alkaline electrolysis prototype, specifically designed to use both gases: hydrogen for heat, electricity, or movement and oxygen to oxygenate the culture tanks. In addition, an emergency backup system based on hydrogen-powered by fuel cells was established as an uninterruptible power supply for critical energy consumption in the aquaculture facilities.

Project Duration: 02/06/2014 – 30/06/2017

Budget: 1,899,318 €.

Funding received: 49.97%.

Partners: Ariema (coordinator), Centro Tecnológico de la Acuicultura – CTAQUA, Drops & Bubles, Esteros de Canela S.L., Inoma Renovables S.L., Heliotronica sistemas.

Collaborators: Capricornio SpA and TCI Gecomp.

Funding Agency: LIFE+ Program. European Commission.

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