v.7.6.0 (Apr 20, 2019)

1. New: much improved and extended Mega Menu. Note, this is still a beta feature!
1.1. Theme Options > Top Bar & Header; under "Submenu" tab, "Mega menu background settings" and "Mega menu items" block were added. Here you can setup:
    - mega menu background (under-layer) paddings;
    - columns paddings and columns width (latter works only for non full-width menus);
    - menu items typography, colors and paddings, etc.
1.2. Appearance > Menus; all mega menu related settings were moved under "The7 Mega Menu" button. Numerous features and corresponding settings were added, among which:
    - display a widget area (use with caution!);
    - set a background image for the menu;
    - hide certain menu columns in mobile view;
    - visually choose a menu item icon (from icon-fonts uploaded to the theme);
    - upload a menu item image and chose its position, border radius, paddings, etc.
2. New: now you can manage widget areas right from Appearance > Widgets interface.
3. Improved: WooCommerce 3.6.x compatibility.
4. Improved: new settings for "custom menu" and "shopping cart" microwidgets.
5. Fixed: issue with transparent headers not working properly on iOS 12.2.
6. Fixed: issue with incorrect font family for fancy header on product page.
7. Fixed: issue with "media gallery" "masonry grid" images not loading when lazy loading is enabled; also "load more" button displaying when placed inside an Album.
8. Fixed: issue with custom settings not working with new font awesome benefits icons.
9. Fixed: issue with the floating logo not showing up when there is a custom logo set in branding options, and the file is the same as the main logo.
10. Fixed: issue with next menu level indicators missing in side menu.
11. Fixed: issue with full height/width setting for buttons not working with justified menu layout.
12. Fixed: issue with images not showing up if pagination field in "Photos Carousel" is empty.
13. Fixed: issue with "Photos Carousel" doubling the number of images.
14. Fixed: issue with "Main" and "Floating" logos showing up simultaneously in mobile and tablet views.
15. Fixed: issue with "Team Carousel" bold/italic/uppercase settings not working.
16. Improved: general compatibility with plugins that use WP audio player.
17. Improved: updates related to fancy header in WPML-config.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood changes.


v.7.5.0 (Mar 21, 2019)

1. New: floating sidebar feature added.
2. New: option to choose a 404 page template (Theme Options > Archives and 404).
3. Improved: portfolio breadcrumb string setting added.
4. Improved: Font Awesome from The7 automatically injects into Ultimate Addons shortcodes. No more need to upload it separately.
5. Improved: Google Fonts list updated.
6. Improved: deprecated WooCommerce functions were replaced with new ones.
7. Fixed: issue with images lazy loading not working in Team Grid shortcode when standard pagination option is selected.
8. Fixed: issue with logo in the header "flashing" when reloading the page.
9. Fixed: issue with "hamburger" icon missing the background in mobile header.
10. Fixed: issue with anchor links not working correctly if "hide row" feature is being used.
11. Fixed: issue with autoplay not pausing on hover in carousels.
12. Fixed: issue with damaged pl_PL.mo file.
13. Fixed: issue with filtering and sorting being messed up in Blog Grid & Masonry shortcode.
Numerous minor visual and under-the-hood improvements and fixes.


v. (Feb 26, 2019)

Fixed: issue with auto-slide in carousels.


v. (Feb 22, 2019)

Fixed: issue with mixed up social icons.


v.7.4.3 (Feb 22, 2019)

New demo: "Seven Weed" (https://the7.io/weed/).. strictly for medical and recreational purposes ;)
New: "back" link url setting for post types.
Improved: theme will now automatically check if it's compatible with your current version of WordPress (and prompt to update it if necessary).
Improved: top bar will now be visible in transparent headers below the slideshow. Attention! If you don't want this feature, simply change the page template to the "microsite" and disable the top bar.
Improved: floating top line color and opacity setting added.
Improved: new "search by" option for search microwidget. You can choose either to search in all post types or only in WooCommerce products.
Improved: social icons updated with "telegram" icon.
Fixed: issue with product carousel not loading images on scroll.
Fixed: issue with duplicated animation on WPB single image.
Fixed: glitch with text microwidget on mobile devices.
Fixed: Issue with autoplay always being enabled on mobile devices in multipurpose carousel.
Fixed: issue with logo overwriting favicon on microsite templates.
Fixed: minor visual issues with icons in microwidgets.
Fixed: minor visual issues with floating top line headers.
Fixed: issue with fancy media element having a grey padding when set to show a self-hosted video.
Fixed: issue with portfolio related projects layout being broken in IE 11.


v.7.4.2 (Feb 9, 2019)

Fixed: issue with images loading in product carousel.
Fixed: issue with The7 animations in WPBakery shortcodes.
Fixed: issue with microwidgets hover opacity in light preset.
Fixed: potential conflict with plugins that uses TGMA library.


v.7.4.1 (Feb 7, 2019)

1. Fixed: issue with incorrect menu links when importing a one-page pre-made site.
2. Fixed: microsite "#!/up" link does not work on mobile logo.
3. Fixed: issue with album thumbnails not acting as links (mobile Chrome).
4. Fixed: multipurpose microwidgets are not translatable via WPML.
5. Fixed: text micro widgets shows up twice on mobile devices when set to display in the top bar.
6. Fixed: incorrect active link indication in anchor navigation.
7. Fixed: issue with incorrect items size in carousel.
8. Fixed: "Media Gallery Masonry & Grid". Image with video URL don't load in grid layout.
9. Fixed: submenu text transformation setting not working.
10. Fixed: issue with lightbox not working if image source is an external URL or image size is not specified in shortcode settings.


v.7.4.0 (Jan 31, 2019)

1. New: "multipurpose" microwidges for header area.
2. New (and long overdue): floating menu text color settings added.
3. New: pagination setting inside the Album post.
4. New: "uppercase" setting for text in Theme Options was replaced with "text transformation", which allows "normal", "uppercase", "lowercase" and "capitalize" options.
5. New: responsiveness settings for "custom menu" in the bottom bar.
6. Improved: font previews in Theme Options now reflect font size, line height and other font settings.
7. Improved: option to simultaneously change the font family of h1-h6 headers.
8. Improved: lazy loading will now work for carousel items.
9. Improved: deprecated jQuery functions replaced with their modern counterparts.
10. Fixed: issue with icon size setting not working in "login" microwidget.
11. Fixed: issue with "My The7" string not being translatable.


v.7.3.3 (Jan 17, 2019)

1. New "Gutenberg Creative" demo: https://the7.io/g-creative/
2. Improved: styling of Gutenberg widgets, quotes and media & text blocks.
3. Fixed: issue with fancy title settings of shop page not being applied to WooCommerce categories and archive pages.
4. Fixed: issue when visiting "post preview" messes up settings of the original post.
5. Fixed: issue with images lazy loading not working for team masonry layout.
6. Fixed: issue with team shortcode not showing team members when switching between categories (reveal animation not working).
7. Fixed: issue with anchor navigation not working correctly when responsiveness is disabled.
8. Fixed: issue with portfolio links not being clickable with certain settings combination.
9. Fixed: issue with menu arrows misaligned in footer.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.7.3.2 (Dec 25, 2018)

Fixed issue with icons in lists.

v.7.3.1 (Dec 22, 2018)

Fixed issue with lazy loading in WooCommerce.

v.7.3.0 (Dec 21, 2018)

1. Improved: Gutenberg block editor enabled for The7 custom post types.
2. Improved: number of fancy title responsiveness settings added.
3. Improved: basic compatibility with Sensei plugin.
4. Improved: added an option to make top bar floating.
5. Improved: "offset" setting added to carousel shortcodes.
6. Improved: number of option to add an icon to a button shortcode.
7. Improved: lazy loading of images added to the gallery shortcode.
8. Improved: compatibility with PHP 7.3.
9. Improved: .SVGs encoded into CSS are being replaced with icon font.
10. Improved: all page content is being parsed when used as an archive template.
11. Fixed: issue with "customize existing design" feature of Theme Options Wizard not working correctly.
12. Fixed: issue with too aggressive string sanitize in social icons microwidget.
13. Fixed: issue with lazy loading not working properly for blog.
14. Fixed: issue with FontAwesome icons don't show for portfolio shortcodes.
15. Fixed: issue with animation not working in some shortocedes.
16. Fixed: issue with slideshow shortcode not adjusting properly on display rotation event on mobile devices.
17. Fixed: issue with social icons showing HTML class instead of title in a tooltip.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.7.2.0 (Dec 3, 2018)

1. New: phase one Gutenberg integration.
2. Improved: WooCommerce 3.5.2 compatibility.
3. Improved: "full demo" and "single page" tabs added to The7 > Pre-made Websites.
4. Improved: background image option added for floating headers.
5. Improved: "edit page" link added to archive template selection option.
6. Improved: an alert about "not saved changes" added when a user navigates out of Theme Options without saving them.
7. Fixed: slideshow shortcode visual glitch.
8. Fixed: issue with autoslide  in Multipurpose Carousel shortcode turning on when it is disabled.
9. Fixed: issue with lightbox not opening for last image in Media Gallery Carousel shortcode.
10. Fixed: issue with The7 shortcodes have no styling when used with Templera templates.
11. Fixed: issue with Header shortcode custom font styles being overwritten with defaults from Theme Option.
12. Fixed: issue with digital download layout in WooCommerce.
13. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce product category widget drop down duplication.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.7.1.2 (Nov 15, 2018)

Fixed bug with microwidgets not visible with certain theme options combinations.

v.7.1.1 (Nov 14, 2018)

1. Fixed: issue with broken pagination on search page.
2. Fixed: issue with last edited field of Theme Options not saving on hitting return/enter key.
3. Improved: Polish translation files added. Thanks to Rafał Grabosz! (https://themeforest.net/user/rgwsk65)

v.7.1.0 (Nov 8, 2018)

1. New: Albums Carousel shortcode.
2. Improved: "offset" setting added for blog, portfolio and album shortcodes. This setting allows to skip certain number of newest posts.
3. Fixed: issue with pagination not working in default WooCommerce shortcode.
4. Fixed: issue with some FontAwesome icons missing in WPBakery Page Builder UI.
5. Fixed: issues with "button" microwidget:
    - button is misaligned when icon is disabled;
    - "hide on desktop" setting not working.
6. Fixed: issue with search microwidget "popup background" block not working correctly.
7. Fixed: issue with style/script elements not working correctly inside carousel shortcodes.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.7.0.1 (Oct 25, 2018)

Fixed: PHP notice on servers with older versions of PHP.
Fixed: Media carousel does not generate inline styles when using child theme.

v.7.0.0 (Oct 24, 2018)

1. New (and first on the market!): import pages from The7 pre-made websites by a link (URL). Feature is available via Pages > Import interface.
2. New: icon-fonts upload interface. Available via The7 > Icons Manager. Fully compatible and deeply integrated with WPBakery Page Builder and Ultimate Addons.
3. New: super-customizable Albums Masonry and Grid shortcode.
5. New: Button microwidget.
6. Improved: WooCommerce 3.5.0 compatibility.
7. Improved: optimized usage of post meta data. This leads to smaller (and therefore faster) database.
8. Improver: search pre-made website by link (URL) added in The7 > Pre-made websites.
9. Improved: Search microwidget.
10. Improved: White label tool removes The7 references in popup messages.
11. Improved: gradient picker in shortcodes. Now (instead of 2-color gradient) you can choose as many color stops as you want. Gradient angle option is also available.
12. Improved: "buy" button added to related WooCommerce products.
13. Improved: added compatibility with WooCommerce YITH AJAX Filter plugin.
14. Fixed: side overlap setting in Blog List shortcode leads to each second featured image not being clickable on mobile layouts.
15. Fixed: issue with "standard" pagination not working in Photos Masonry and Grid shortcode.
Other minor improvements and fixes.